Welcome to our forum! Please familiarise yourself with the following rules, which by interacting with others in the forum, we assume you agree with:
1. Treat others how you want to be treated. We don't tolerate the following in user profiles or messages: a) bigotry (e.g. racism or homophobia), b) NSFW or illegal content (e.g. pornography or product keys), c) Excessive profanity, d) Advertising or spam.
2. Respect staff members. Our administrators are MajorSky17 and ???, and our moderators are ???, ???, ??? and ???. Anything deemed disrespectful to the staff (e.g. public defamation of staff) will not be tolerated. Staff members always have the final say.
3. Use English only. Windows On Windows is an English language YouTube channel, and using this as the common language in the community helps to make everyone feel included.
4. Stay on topic. Use each channel for its respective purpose. If you find a conversation going off-topic, take it to #general.
5. Keep personal information private. Don’t share any personally-identifiable information with others. This includes full names, addresses, passwords and credit card details. This is for your own safety.
6. Use only one account. Members must have only one account on the server. Members removed from the server for breaking the rules (i.e. banned) are not entitled to return using another account.
7. Comply with phpBB's Terms of Service. These can be found here.
Not following the rules may result in action against you, up to and including a ban (i.e. permanent removal from the forum). Thank you for joining, and we hope you enjoy your time here!
How to count to 10: 1, 2, 3, 3.1, NT 3.1, NT 3.5, NT 3.51, 95, NT 4, 98, 98 SE, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10